How to create a link that opens google maps with the coordinates inputted

One simple question: how to create a link that opens google maps with the coordinates inputted?

So when using link component and one has inputted the coordinates in a template column then how to get google maps to open the actual location.

I think it used to work - but cannot get it working now?

Any hints?

I think there’s an action for that… “Open address on map”… Or does it have to be in the link itself?

These are my old notes, I hope this is what you want.

<iframe  width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";height=600&amp;hl=en&amp;q=COORDINATE&amp;t=p&amp;z=14&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;iwloc=B&amp;output=embed"></iframe>

Or this:


where do i put this code?

If you’re using this.

Then just have an open link button and point it to the URL.

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