My table collection has white text (when device settings are on dark mode) but dark text when on light mode. Is there a way to set the text as white, for light and dark mode? The text will still be legible when white (for light mode) because i’ve got a color on the backing of my custom collection and card. The table collection is inside a custom collection card.
You can structure around the built-in prefers-color-scheme.
/* Default (light mode) */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
.custom-collection-card .table-collection,
.custom-collection-card .table-collection * {
color: #fff ;
/* Dark mode */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
.custom-collection-card .table-collection,
.custom-collection-card .table-collection * {
color: #fff;
Okay great, i’ll try that. Thanks👍