Having trouble with this simple thing. How do I center this box image on my page? I don’t see an option in the image settings.
There currently is no native way. Try using a 3 column container and putting the image in #2. But i guess that works only center it on Desktop, not Mobile
Is there a way to do it via custom css? I’m on the free plan.
CSS only exist on Business and Enterprise plans
You can use this in a Rich Text component:
<center><img src="https://imageurl.png" height="100" width="400"></center>
Adjust the width and height to suit your needs. I believe the Glide team has plans to give more design options for images, so I’m sure we’ll see the native ability to center images at some point, but this should work for now.
then apply css
.center {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
width: 50%;
As Joe noted above.
Inline styling/HTML works, per Kyle’s solution.