How do I remove the time in the calendar view

In fact, you can using a workaround.

Using Chrome on your pc, launch your app. Right click to display the contextual menu a’d select “inspect” (developer tools must be enabled).

Once done, using the element selector, select the time displayed in the event row. It will show you the corresponding “div” html element corresponding to the display of the event time. This div will look like to :

Take note of this YYYYY string.

In your app, add a custom Rich Text component and place it at the top of your app components. Filled this custom Rich text component with :

<span/><style>.YYYYY {visibility:hidden;} </style>

And say good bye to the time.

This workaround works for any html element class you want to hide in your app (so you can easily hide the “1 EVENT” indication displayed at the right of the date, for each date row of the calendar component).

And it should not cause any damage to your app and its functionalities, as far as you only “hide” some text.