Hide back button label

Hi everyone! Is it possible to hide the label “back” next to the back button on the top left of the screen?

Thanks a lot!

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{ display: none }

Be aware though, that this won’t prevent users from swiping to go back, or using the system back button on Android. So you need to take that behaviour into account.


Hi @Darren_Murphy thanks a lot for this!
I actually just wanted to remove the label but not the icon. So users can still use the back feature, but from a UI perspective it is more appealing (leaving only the icon and not the label) :slight_smile:


Oh, I see - sorry I misread.
hmm, I’m not sure if that is possible. I’d have to defer to one of the CSS experts - @Manu.n or @ThinhDinh

Please try this.


[data-test="back-button"] >div {
display: none;

Guys you are amazing !!! Thanks a lot it works perfectly well !! :slight_smile: Thanks for your help and time @Darren_Murphy and @ThinhDinh


My pleasure to help. Don’t hesitate to send more questions our way if you get stuck with something.


is it possible to also hide the “done” button?

I tried this and didn’t work ;

 [data-test="done-button"] >div { display: none; }

In the Edit screen?

Try this :

{ display: none }

But then I think you can’t save the values ( tried with the set columns values action but not working ) and needed a custom edit screen with the Show new screen.

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Yes, I think it’s odd to hide a “Done” button, but maybe he has a specific use case.

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