I have a restaurant app, where owners can have multiple locations and each location serves the same food items. Each restaurant location is a duplicate of each other with just a different address, so the same food items is related to all locations.
Location 1: 100 Broadway
Location 2: 100 Park Place
Food Item 1 is sold at both locations.
I can easily set the distance between the user and each of the restaurant locations. However, I am also interested in the user seeing how far they are from each food item at each location.
Currently, I have a lookup function to find the addresses of the Restaurants that the food is sold at. However, my distance column is only picking up the distance from Location 1, but I also want it to pick up the distance from location 2. Lastly, I need it to determine which location is the shortest and only show the food item at that closest location.
Example: If Food Item at Location 1 is 10 miles from the User and only 5 miles away at Location 2, to only show the 5 miles.
I see you deleted your other question, but I’ll respond anyway. You’ll need to add a math column with a multiply by 1 to make sure it truly gets converted to a number. Then your visibility should be able to see it as a number for numeric comparisons.