Hello all: I’ve tried solving this myself but hit enough dead ends I’m hoping there is an easy solution I’m not thinking of. In the app, users have roles that put them into different groups, e.g. Group A and Group B. There are items, like books, that all users can see, but I want their comments on those books to be only seen by users in their groups (I.e. Group A’s comment on book 1 can only be seen and replied to by Group A members. Group B’s comments on the book 1 can only see and reply to Group B members). That I’ve set up fine. The twist is that I want anyone with the role of admin to be able to see and respond to comments in both groups.
This creates two related problems. One, making sure that the admin comments stay in their lane…group B only sees the admin comments meant for them and likewise group A…and never the twain shall meet. By the same account, when the admin looks at the group B page or the group A page they are only seeing the comments they made for the right group not all of their comments that relate to that book.
It seems like the approach with row owners that @Robert_Petitto uses in this video 💬 Chat Component: A Complete Walkthrough for keeping the chat between two users private would work, but I can’t figure out how to adapt that approach here where there are multiple users from one group and one user from another group (I.e. admin). I either get everything or nothing or everyone but no admin…
Welcome any suggestions.