Group By in Custom Collection

I saw several posts on this topic but no solution.

Is there any workaround?

The only workaround for a custom collection is to create separate collections for each group, but that becomes difficult if you have a lot of groups or dynamic groups that you can’t predict.

I have scores in the player table that wanted to group by date. Scores get entered in the app on a daily basis and the competition takes 6 months - not an option to me.

Even weeks is terrible, as matches play every day.

I am thinking about adding some filter with options (last week, last month etc…)

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Yeah that might be the best option for now. I really hope groups get added to custom collects, as well as the same background options that containers have.

hi @Darko_Vukoje
Check out this post from @Darren_Murphy. You sound like you’d benefit from creating a dashboard like what he showed in his video: