Glide Table API Get All Filter?

I have data in a table that I’m querying from another platform but rather than bringing ALL the rows over I want to limit it by filtering to a specific date range. Creating the request using the format Glide provides is working fine but is there a way to set a filter in the request so that I’m limiting the search upfront (rather than returning all the rows and filtering in a subsequent step)?

curl --request POST ‘
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXX’
–data-raw ‘{
“queries”: [
“tableName”: “native-table-XXXXXXXXX”

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No, I’m afraid that’s not supported. It would be nice if it was.


Even just return one row based on RowID would be wonderful – although a full-fledged query would certainly be the next thing we’d ask for! :1st_place_medal:


Insane that this isn’t a feature already.

It is.

Only with Big Tables which have some pesky limitations.