Hello Glide Community!
Looking for some guidance on the Radar integration, and there doesn’t appear to be many posts about it.
When using the default “Glide Location” switch, it’s obvious to the user, but it does seem to prompt every time - which is kind of annoying. There also doesn’t seem to be a way to make it on by default; both of these are a burden on the user. When the device’s location permissions aren’t “always allow/while using the app” it just doesn’t turn on, but there is no way I can tell to check for that condition. The user is left in limbo. Lastly, if I’m using that field (location) as a condition, it doesn’t clear the field when the switch is turned off. So the condition of “is location on” can be met, but it can never be unmet. Other fields you show based on that condition never go away, even though location is turned off.
Enter Radar. Now I can just make grabbing the location easy by integrating it into an action sequence for a button. However, if the device’s location permissions are not “always allow/while using the app” it will /not/ prompt them. This leads to another problem, that action hangs - for a really long time. I’m not sure if it even fails, more testing is needed. Adding a “wait for condition” doesn’t work either because the sequence never passes Radar. It just hangs. Restarting the app fixes the issue, only until Radar hangs again.
To the questions:
- Is there a way to “clear the field” when using Glide Location toggle and positioning it to “off?”
- Is there a way to check for/timeout the Radar integration if it were to hang?
- Is there a way to know the location settings before attempting either of those actions (glide location or radar) so that the user can be given instructions and/or a warning BEFORE they click a button that hangs the app with no error, notification, or recourse besides restarting the app in bewilderment?
Another possible related issue – I received a Glide error email indicating “[Track once] “ERROR_RATE_LIMIT”,” but that doesn’t seem to be an error listed in the Radar API docs – what does that mean?
This app is being used for less than 10 people, currently, so no more than 7 could have hit the button containing Track Once at the same time. Where did the rate limit get exceeded? Radar API says “1 request per second per device, 180 requests per hour per device, and 1,000 requests per day per device,” so clearly we’re good there.
Please help!