Glide / Google Gods - Solve This Please

Said by the most amazing person himself!


Thanks Manan, you people inspire me every day to be honest. As I have much work these days time for helping people is harder to come by but I always try to come here twice a day. :sweat_smile:


How do you handle the situation where there are multiple lowest values? do you need to know all of the lowest value column headers ?


That’s amazing Manan

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Good question @ThatGuyInArizona. I need to find the “weakest area” in the user’s assessments in order to delivery appropriate “hints”. So once I’ve found the lowest score, I provide a hint for any assessment area that has that score. If more than 3 out of 9 share the lowest score then I do not provide any hints since the overall assessment is not able to highlight specific area(s).

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