Frontend Not Subscribing to Unmapped Data Causes Workflow Timeouts

I’ve encountered an issue: if source data isn’t mapped, the front end isn’t subscribed to it and won’t track changes. This means that when running an interactive workflow that calls a webhook to modify data—then checking that data in a “wait for condition” action—it always times out because the front end never detects updates.

I found a partial workaround: adding a hidden collection to watch the specific table (by setting display: none). However, this only works about 50% of the time, making it an unreliable and frustrating solution.

Are you able to recreate this issue?

I checked with the team. There was brief downtime with Workflows earlier today.

If you’re not able to recreate the issue, the downtime was likely the cause.

What time intervals ?

Around 9:30-10:30am ET this morning.

Right in it…

But, were there another time ? like 12:19?

Not that I’m aware of.

If you’re hitting more issues, your best bet is to open a chat with our support team to take a look. They can go deeper than we can in the forum. :+1:

Still encountering the issue. Wait for conditions are not updating targets data to watch for changes.