Find Value from Previous Row

So I assume you store each place’s address/coordinates?

What you can do is this:

  • Create an index for each row, as described below

Please note that the index should be related to each “trip” only, since you want to index each row based only on their respective list. You should have a “Trip ID” that is unique to each trip.

  • Create a Math column, name it “Previous Index”, take the index from the 1st step, minus 1.
  • Create a Template column, name it “Previous Index Temp”, the template should join the “Previous index” and the “Trip ID”. E.g: 1 - abcdef.
  • Create another Template column, name it “Current Index Temp”, joining the “Current Index” (step 1) and the “Trip ID”.
  • Create a relation from the “Previous Index Temp” column to the “Current Index Temp”.
  • Return the “Destination address/coordinates” from the relation. It should give you the address/coordinates of place B, D, F etc in Darren’s example.