Embed Pdf from Google drive with webview

Previously I have managed to extract URL no.1-2 above, and produce a very satisfying display. However, if you use the Google Drive URL in its entirety, what happens is the Html display, except for the files uploaded to Glide.
For example:

Thank you Uzo. Just one step to finish it in Glide.

if you convert your files using my script, you can post it in image element: I just convert my pdf file made from GS sheet and insert URL into Image component in Glideā€¦ and it worksā€¦ same for jpg, gif, pngā€¦ try it:


Try to explain.
I canā€™t possibly have a folder ID if the file comes from a user in the form of a URL link. Or is this the folder of the spreadsheet?

oh, users make that pdf? then you have to create a small script to upload files using a webview and frame it ā€¦

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/gview?url=https://path.com/to/your/pdf.pdf&embedded=true" style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

There are three conditions, namely uploading to Glide, Google form (if you want it to be held with a questionnaire), or sharing from each. I just have a note the URL should still be a pdf if it is downloaded by someone else.

i do not understandā€¦ why do you collect PDF?.. the only way you can convert PDFs from google drive, is if know the folder ID and folder is shared publicly

Lecturers need to download, correct or restore the file (share or upload). When viewed from the studentā€™s point of view, they usually do combination work which can be in the form of cad files, photoshop, etc. Of course, to bridge the gap, pdf is the solution. When compared to images, there are often blurry problems or are difficult to correct by their lecturers.

you wanna correct or restore in Glide??? or just collect files and correct them in other applications?

I donā€™t need to convert to pdf anymore, because thatā€™s what they produce.
Yes, Jeffā€™s way is perfect. If there is no other way then the only way is to extract it first and wrap it in Google document viewer.
Every correction from a lecturer must be re-uploaded and other parties can read and learn what other lecturers commented on.

you can simply collect the files using a file picker, and they will open them in their own browser

Screen Shot 2022-02-28 at 3.06.25 AM

Except for the exams, I used my google suite to store all those files for reasons of the archive, and of course, itā€™s not possible to use Glideā€™s storage (Glide has to thank me :smile:).

collect with the file picker into a USC and use action to store in GS

Great ideaā€¦ This is off topic about displaying it in apps.

it is relatedā€¦ so no problem

Do you mean the URL or the file directly?

URL will be the bestā€¦ to be collected with text entry componentā€¦ no storage ā€¦ lol

I misunderstood your meaning. I still need the direct pdf file.(Exam case)
If you just copy into the GS, isnā€™t that the case all this time?

students can store pdf on the drive and paste URL to text entry componentā€¦ then you can display it using webview or image component

Is it possible to use the Glide button to save it to my drive?