Do you support Arabic?

Do you support Arabic and RTL layout ?

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Hey @Amer_Enaya welcome!

Yes, it is! Just read all the languages glide supports

If your language isn’t listed above and you want to volunteer to provide a different localization, please contact @Mark at


Localization has the following limitations:

  • Works best with chrome only, so challenges will rise is other browsers are used.
  • Depends on Google translation engine - which is not accurate or correct all the time.
  • Many Apps would require user having ability to switch between two languages within the App (i.e.
    Keep chrome settings to English but make App switch to Arabic only (for example).

While an App can be developed to accommodate both languages from values perspective (of course this will require duplicating many columns - and adding IF/ELSE, etc.), we won’t have a proper bi-lingual App as Glide has obstacles, here are couple of them:

  • RTL support for all components. Take the Table component for example, raw name is on left and data on right. This is the only way Glide shows it. In Arabic (for example), you want the raw name to be on right, and raw data to be on the left. We can’t do that unless glide engine has a new option added to all components as RTL (Yes/No)
  • Can’t switch App tab label language as name of tab must currently be entered as free text , instead of pointing it to a field with a condition (if English pick this, if Arabic pick that).
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I mean full RTL for the navigation, tables and all components. For example, I can’t put the navigation to the right of the screen

When we are allowed to duplicate an entire tab for editing I would imagine this to be available with tab visibility.

Can you imagine the agony to duplicate all your sheet to support two-languages - especially many tabs are common and have relations within.

I didn’t mean you must duplicate a sheet, I mean duplicate a tab inside Glide where you can keep all the components’ design, just point them to the right column to display another language based on a preferred language choice in the user profiles sheet.

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