Display weekly data of the current month

I have a chart that shows weekly spending but it only works for August.

How do I go about making it show the weekly spending only of the current month?

Can you please show how your Data is structured in the Glide Data Editor?

Hi @Darren_Murphy, its kind of a mess. This is what I have on my data table where all input goes

then I have a weekly table where I have a relate column to Rel_Week.

Would appreciate any help since I’m new to Glide!

mmm, that’s not very helpful. All I see there is a series of computed math columns. Doesn’t really tell me much at all.

What would be more useful is to see how your raw data is stored.
For example, I assume you have a table where your expenses are stored?
What does that table look like?
Which columns do you have?
I’m not interested in any computed columns, because they may or may not be correct. I just want to see the non-computed columns. That is, the columns that have values written to when you add a new row.

these are all the non-computed columns I have on the raw table

So there’s an additional table where you store unique weeks?

Do you care if there’s a week with no data but they don’t show up on your chart? Is there a possibility of that to happen at all?’

If the first week starts from August but ends in September, do you want to show it in August or September? Same question for the last week.

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