Difference between Use specific columns and Row ownership

User-specific column (USC)

  • Personalization feature. Component personalization feature.
  • Is applied to a basic column. Affects the attribute (column) of a list item, therefore a component.
  • Personalization of a component that all users see.
  • A specific item attribute (column) becomes personalizable, item by item (=row by row).
  • Example: 1-to-5 star ratings (:star:). If you rate a restaurant 4⭐, I might rate it 5⭐. Attribute personalization. Imagine that a cell in your table (Rating column of Restaurant ABC) is replicated like mirrors facing in an elevators. And this for every item on your list.
  • USC creates cell depth.

Row owners

  • Security feature. Performance feature. List personalization feature.
  • Is applied to a column with email addresses. Affects list items (rows).
  • Sub-lists of an entire list in your table are created. A sub-list is created based on the sub-list belonging to an email address (=user).
  • Security: user A cannot see user B’s sub-list and user B cannot see user A’s sub-list.
  • Performance: user A’s data is not downloaded to user B’s device, so less data is downloaded to devices, so performance improves.
  • Example: The app contains a table called “restaurants”. Row owners is active. You add items restaurant A, B, and C to the list. I add restaurants D, E and F. (Regardless of USC which would apply to components) I will never see restaurants A, B and C in the app and you never D, E and F. Sure the app is personalized, but in a list level: we don’t see the same list items.
  • Row owners (and “roles” for that matter) create row ownership (and ownership to a group or category of owners in the case of “roles”).

I hope this is clear enough and I didn’t make any mistakes.