Hi Darren,
We finally used javascript to sort it out.
let startDate = new Date(p1);
let endDate = new Date(p2);
endDate = new Date(endDate.getTime()+360010002);
let currentDate = new Date(startDate.getTime()+360010002);
let dayCount=0;
let an = currentDate.getFullYear();
let JourAn = new Date(an, “00”, “01”);
JourAn = new Date(JourAn.getTime()+360021000);
let FeteTravail = new Date(an, “04”, “01”);
FeteTravail = new Date(FeteTravail.getTime() + 360021000);
let Victoire1945 = new Date(an, “04”, “08”);
Victoire1945 = new Date(Victoire1945.getTime() + 360021000);
let FeteNationale = new Date(an,“06”, “14”);
FeteNationale = new Date(FeteNationale.getTime() + 360021000);
let Assomption = new Date(an, “07”, “15”);
Assomption = new Date(Assomption.getTime() + 360021000);
let Toussaint = new Date(an, “10”, “01”);
Toussaint = new Date(Toussaint.getTime() + 360021000);
let Armistice = new Date(an, “10”, “11”);
Armistice = new Date(Armistice.getTime() + 360021000);
let Noel = new Date(an, “11”, “25”);
Noel = new Date(Noel.getTime() + 360021000);
let G = an%19;
let C = Math.floor(an/100);
let H = (C - Math.floor(C/4) - Math.floor((8*C+13)/25) + 19*G + 15)%30;
let I = H - Math.floor(H/28)*(1 - Math.floor(H/28)*Math.floor(29/(H + 1))*Math.floor((21 - G)/11));
let J = (an*1 + Math.floor(an/4) + I + 2 - C + Math.floor(C/4))%7
let L = I - J;
let MoisPaques = 3 + Math.floor((L + 40)/44);
let JourPaques = L + 28 - 31*Math.floor(MoisPaques/4);
let Paques = new Date(an, MoisPaques-1, JourPaques);
Paques = new Date(Paques.getTime() + 3600*2*1000);
let LundiPaques = new Date(an, MoisPaques-1, JourPaques+1);
LundiPaques = new Date(LundiPaques.getTime() + 3600*2*1000);
let Ascension = new Date(an, MoisPaques-1, JourPaques+39);
Ascension = new Date(Ascension.getTime() + 3600*2*1000);
let Pentecote = new Date(an, MoisPaques-1, JourPaques+49);
Pentecote = new Date(Pentecote.getTime() + 3600*2*1000);
let LundiPentecote = new Date(an, MoisPaques-1, JourPaques+50);
LundiPentecote = new Date(LundiPentecote.getTime() + 3600*2*1000);
let joursFeries = new Array(JourAn.getDate()+"-"+JourAn.getMonth(), Paques.getDate()+"-"+Paques.getMonth(), LundiPaques.getDate()+"-"+LundiPaques.getMonth(),
return “erreur de date”}
return"année de début et de fin différente"
while(currentDate <= endDate) {
if(currentDate.getDay()!=0 && currentDate.getDay()!=6 && !joursFeries.includes(currentDate.getDate()+“-”+currentDate.getMonth())){
currentDate = new
return dayCount;
I was helped by a friend for that one.
Got another problem to solve : The number of days left (total number of leaves gained minus a roll up on those that were accepted ) when the demands are accepted only show when the user id is the current user id. Which means that admins can see their records but not the records of the persons that asked for the leave. I opened the app to copy so that you can have a look.
Don’t know how to do that.