Customizing Map Markers in New Glide Apps

Also, one more thing is we are just using ‘Maker’ version.
There is a custom CSS input box.
Is it possible since we are not at a higher level it is just being ignored?

Yes, you point the title column in your component to the table column that contains those three categories. In the custom CSS box, you need to write those three categories in three different codes, like in the screenshot at the top of the thread: the “Company” column and three separate codes for each company name.

I don’t think so. If you want broader usage, it’s better to disable “use compiled CSS”.

Thanks so much for all your help.
I have it working now- I was putting the custom CSS into a little box at the component level and it didn’t work there.
I added the code to the custom css in the configuration settings and that did the trick!!

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If the input in that component is the place where the custom class name is provided.