Custom countdown

that will not affect Glide’s action… it will sync normally

Yea but the clock style does not fit my apps style

use the digit-style clock

I don’t know how to implement this into glide

use rich text components, and template columns to substitute variables…
I might update my template when I have time… this will take a few hours

How do I implement the HTML code into Glide?

rich-text component… but only in Apps… Pages not really

you can try my Code BOOK to see more options… just click my profile

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@ThinhDinh @Darren_Murphy
If you can figure out a solution to my problem with the GitHub code, please reach out to me

ok… I nailed the CSS countdown LOL…

now the tricky part is to make it variable… no problem with the count up :wink:
but… if the time is fixed… CSS is ready

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Where can I see the code for this?

new version… full CSS:

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How can I see the CSS?

I’m sorry @ThinhDinh but this doesn’t work. I have been toying around with it for a couple of hours, and it doesn’t work. Your code (without any changes) only works when a custom date is entered, but if you reference a date/time column it breaks, the timer says something like “NaND NaNH NaNm NaNs”.
NaN stands for not a number, I have tried to find a solution for this, but I can’t seem to find one.
I would really like some help because the code does not work currently.

it would be best if you had a CSS countdown… :wink: , and CSS animated control over Glide elements… I did a sample… is working well… now I need to stabilize it, in case someone clicks some other tab and returns… a lot of work LOL, I did not expect that.

Can you be a bit more specific on how to implement HTML and CSS to glide? I know how to do it with CSS, but with HTML you have to add ( & ). And right now it is not working.

i posted the code above… all you have to do is to copy and paste… then modify to your needs.

here… i combined HTML and CSS for you from that post… just add rich text component and paste it there…

<div class="clock">
  <ol class="first">
  <ol class="tens">
 <ol class="digits">


ol.tens, .digits, .first {
  list-style-type: none;
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
ol.first {
  margin-right: 12px;
.tens li, .digits li, .first li {
  display: inline-block;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  background: #fff;
.first li:nth-of-type(2) {
  animation: minutecount 60s ease-in-out 0s 1;

.tens li:nth-of-type(2) {
  animation: tenscount 60s ease-in-out 51s 1;
.tens li:nth-of-type(3) {
  animation: tenscount 60s ease-in-out 41s 1;
.tens li:nth-of-type(4) {
  animation: tenscount 60s ease-in-out 31s 1;

.tens li:nth-of-type(5) {
  animation: tenscount 60s ease-in-out 21s 1;

.tens li:nth-of-type(6) {
  animation: tenscount 60s ease-in-out 11s 1;

.tens li:nth-of-type(7) {
  animation: tenscount 60s ease-in-out 1s 1;

.digits li:nth-of-type(1) {
  animation: digitcount 10s ease-in-out 10s 6;

.digits li:nth-of-type(2) {
  animation: digitcount 10s ease-in-out 9s 6;

.digits li:nth-of-type(3) {
  animation: digitcount 10s ease-in-out 8s 6;

.digits li:nth-of-type(4) {
  animation: digitcount 10s ease-in-out 7s 6;

.digits li:nth-of-type(5) {
  animation: digitcount 10s ease-in-out 6s 6;

.digits li:nth-of-type(6) {
  animation: digitcount 10s ease-in-out 5s 6;

.digits li:nth-of-type(7) {
  animation: digitcount 10s ease-in-out 4s 6;

.digits li:nth-of-type(8) {
  animation: digitcount 10s ease-in-out 3s 6;

.digits li:nth-of-type(9) {
  animation: digitcount 10s ease-in-out 2s 6;

.digits li:nth-of-type(10) {
  animation: digitcount 10s ease-in-out 0.7s 6;

@keyframes digitcount {
  0% {
    opacity: 1
  9.9% {
    opacity: 1
  10% {
    opacity: 0
  100% {
    opacity: 0

@keyframes tenscount {
  0% {
    opacity: 1
  0.9% {
    opacity: 1
  2% {
    opacity: 0
  100% {
    opacity: 0
@keyframes minutecount {
  0% { opacity: 1; }
  2.8% { opacity: 1; }
  2.9% { opacity: 0; }
  100% { opacity: 0; }
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