[CSS Help] List of data-test Values


Is there a list of data-test values using in CSS code ?
For example, I found this CSS trick for a text entry using the command [data-test=“app-text-field”] to modify the color, the border, the background…

Is there somewhere an exhaustive list of data-test values for all the components available in Glide ?

Thanks for your help

Hi, many many illustrations here:

1/ Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

2/ https://code-book.glideapp.io/

3/ and: Tell Glide how you use CSS

Thanks @AyS_0908 !!
I’ve already been known these resources :wink:
I’ve just found how to know the value of the data-test of each component : we can find it directly in the code of the page of the editor.


This is the true way. It’s also the better way as you know directly how to modify that in the browser and see changes in real time. The better you understand the thing the better you can debug it if something breaks.