Nice job @ThinhDinh
I was doing something similar but I stopped it due to I had to finish another project. Good to see this idea working fine on other APPs
Let me share my original idea (what I had developed so far to compare to yours):
- I saved all my customers (stores/places) in my GS along with their coordinates (I supposed that working with coordinates instead addresses the searching will be faster and more accurate, it was my plan B)
- The user writes his address using an Entry Text Field and the searching begins. I let the user use any address instead using the one used in his profile (just a matter of style, no problem)
- Using an own function in GS I look for distances (Km) from User address to my customers (each one), something like
=DistanceKm(UserAddress, CustAddress)
- via Query() I get the 4-5 closest places/stores (I could show more places but I was thinking as my user on my APP) and show those few options on screen
- I was thinking of letting a choice component to set the distance to search. I mean, my scope searching could be:
- 2 Km
- 4 km
- 7 km
- 10 Km
to give more chances to my user to decide where to go or ask for. Again, it’s just a matter of style.
I stopped my APP at step 4 so far but I wonder if your APP was using the same way I was thinking days ago (I use Query() instead of filters and other things than make any sheet something bigger)??
Feliz día!