Concept for 5km delivery constraint & time taken to travel

Nice job @ThinhDinh

I was doing something similar but I stopped it due to I had to finish another project. Good to see this idea working fine on other APPs

Let me share my original idea (what I had developed so far to compare to yours):

  1. I saved all my customers (stores/places) in my GS along with their coordinates (I supposed that working with coordinates instead addresses the searching will be faster and more accurate, it was my plan B)
  2. The user writes his address using an Entry Text Field and the searching begins. I let the user use any address instead using the one used in his profile (just a matter of style, no problem)
  3. Using an own function in GS I look for distances (Km) from User address to my customers (each one), something like
    =DistanceKm(UserAddress, CustAddress)
  4. via Query() I get the 4-5 closest places/stores (I could show more places but I was thinking as my user on my APP) and show those few options on screen
  5. I was thinking of letting a choice component to set the distance to search. I mean, my scope searching could be:
  • 2 Km
  • 4 km
  • 7 km
  • 10 Km
    to give more chances to my user to decide where to go or ask for. Again, it’s just a matter of style.

I stopped my APP at step 4 so far but I wonder if your APP was using the same way I was thinking days ago (I use Query() instead of filters and other things than make any sheet something bigger)??

Feliz día!

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