Clear Value on Collections Item Click

I have a need to clear a value from user profile to ensure it resets. I have a few workflows created so that this happens when ‘go back’ is clicked. However if the user does not navigate using the ‘go back’ button but instead selects a Navigation item my clear value workflow is bypassed.

There appears to almost be a solve under the ITEM CLICK field here, but i cant assign a workflow to it. Ive tried to assign under COLLECTION ITEM ACTIONS but this doesnt appear to be working either.

Is there a way to, when selecting an item within a collection, to Show Detail Screen AND Clear Value??

Can you show a screenshot of what you see when you try to change the item click action?

This is what i see

ok…after replying to you just before i started feeling like i may have missed something…have gone back to check and i can in fact assign a workflow…which ive done and now works.

absolutely no idea how i got this far without catching it.

thanks anyways!

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