Calculating the time spent

Hello everyone. How to calculate the time spent on work in Glide. Let’s say work starts at 8:20, the first task will take 1:20, the second task 2:15 minutes, the third task 1:55 minutes. The purpose of the table is to calculate the time of task completion. For example, task 1 at 9:40, task 2 at 11:55, task 3 at 13:50.

If you record a start and end datetime, you can use a math column to calculate the difference. Then you can use a relation to link similar tasks together and a rollup to sum the total time.

Thanks for the answer. I got a table with time calculation for each task. But by what principle should I combine tasks to calculate the finish of each task?

If you have a parent level of those tasks, I think you can do it like this.

1. Projects Table

  • Have a table named Projects.
  • Add a RowID column.
  • Add a column Initial Start Time (use Date & Time type).

2. Tasks Table

  • Create a table named Tasks.
  • Add columns:
    • Task Name (Text)
    • Duration (Number, in minutes)
    • Order (Number, to define task sequence)
    • Project ID (Related to the Projects table).
    • Project Relation (Relate the Project ID to the RowID in the Projects table).
    • Project Initial Start (Lookup the project’s initial start time from the relation, single match).

3. Self-Query for Previous Tasks

  • Create a query in the Tasks table named Previous Tasks:
    • Condition: Project ID equals to Current row > Project ID
      AND Order < Current row > Order.

4. Calculate Previous Durations Sum

  • Add a column Previous Durations Sum (Rollup):
    • Source: Previous Tasks query.
    • Aggregation: Sum of the Duration field.

5. Calculate Start Time

  • Add a column Start Time (Math):

Project's Initial Start Time + Previous Durations Sum

  1. Calculate End Time
  • Add a column End Time (Math):

Start Time + Duration (in minutes)/60/24


Many thanks to you my friend

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My pleasure to help!