I’m creating a clothing store and have created a button to add/reduce products as shown in Figure 1. After creating a button to add/reduce the number of selected products, it was found that the add/reduce button did not appear in some products. As in Figure 2, I used to create this store from Jeff Hager’s Template.
I don’t know if there is a way to give the add/reduce button to select products to show the number of every product added in the table.
Image No.1
Image No.2
Do you have any conditional visibilities for those buttons? Either in the button level itself, or in the actions?
Button Delete
Button show number selected Products
Button Plus
Button add to cart
you can see this template
So only these 2 didn’t appear in some products? Have you checked if the conditions on those buttons fit with the data you have in those rows?
Now that it’s all not just some products, I’ve tried to share a template and found that it doesn’t show the number of numbers to select the product in any way, I’ve copied the settings from this template.
My Template:
If you press the add product button on the cart page, the number of numbers and the price of the product does not appear.