Built an AI powered story teller app including images and narration!

I’m excited to share my latest project, QuillQuail, an AI-powered storytelling app that turns tiny prompts into full-fledged stories, complete with images and narration!

What QuillQuail Does:

  1. AI-Generated Stories: Just input a small prompt like “A cat with a secret identity,” and watch as the app crafts a complete story for you.
  2. System Prompting: I’ve used multiple template columns to feed my own ‘system’ prompting into each stage, ensuring the generated story and title are coherent and engaging.
  3. Image Generation: Currently, I’m using Bing to manually generate images based on prompts given to DALL-E 3. These images add a visual element to each story. (DALL-E 2 is not nearly as good yet).
  4. Narration: I’m also manually adding a voice-over to each story. I copy-paste the story script into an AI voice-over app and upload the .mp3 file into QuillQuail, making the stories more immersive.

What QuillQuail Doesn’t Do (Yet):

  1. Automated Image Generation: As of now, the image generation process is manual. I’m looking to automate this in the future.
  2. Automated Narration: The voice-over process is also manual at this stage. I plan to integrate this into the app for a seamless experience.

Looking for Feedback:

  1. User Experience: How easy is it to navigate the app and generate a story?
  2. Story Quality: Are the AI-generated stories engaging and coherent?
  3. Feature Requests: Any features you’d like to see in future updates?
  4. Automation Ideas: If you have suggestions for automating the image and narration processes, I’d love to hear it.

Link to the app again: https://quillquail.com/



This is a nice initiative. Would love to see the app when you can automate with DALL-E 3.

For voiceover, maybe something like Eleven Labs can help you with that.

I generated a story, it’s 4 paragraphs long but maybe it can be a bit longer when you can scale the app. The story is good though.

I might want to see a “The Best” tab. People can upvote a story and we show the best stories over there.

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Appreciate the feedback!

For sure I’ve got a favorite function on there along with a view counter that could be used to categorize the stories.

As for the length, I agree it’s something that I can tailor a bit more. I want to build more “levers” for users to be able to pull to guide their story from the initial prompt.

I’m hoping to be able to leverage DALL-E 3 automatically somehow along with the narrations.
Its an interesting project and hopefully I’ll learn how to utilize a custom API potentially outside of the out of the box glide integrations.

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