Array Indexing item return and remove element from array problems

Anyone notice a bug currenty with ARRAYs and removing items. Specifically referring to the Trebuchet method?

I have a remove ITEM from array but it simply not working. It removing the wrong item which then causes by update column Make Array to be innacurrate.

Do you have screenshots showing what’s happening and how you have the remove array item column configured?

Then Trying to remove that element, but it doesn’t remove the correct element:

New Column B is the Joined listed of the second image of RemovedITEMQuoteBuild.

Then it is missing the mark on all the JSON functions.

Where does the Index come from? Are you considering that array indexes are zero based?

To further clarify, does the single value column contain the actual item you want to remove from the array, or is it maybe referring to the item following the one you want to remove.

My indexing is base off that table using the row IDs starting at 0. Let me double check everything and respond back. Perhaps there is an index order I am missing but I swear I have checked a half dozen times.

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This is the Index Single Value Column:

Assigned from this column:

The index value is row based:

Also, please forgive all of the crazy naming. I have been at my wits end trying to figure this out so I have revamped some naming so I knew where I already looked.

Solved, thank you for even looking into this @Jeff_Hager. User error. I need to schedule breaks. It was actually working the way it should, the problem was what I had configured for visibility. And I used the wrong select for a URL path split. That single column finding the wrong destination in the URL path caused it.

However, I am squared away and there is no bug.

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Just in case anyone else needs this.

I have a JSON object that was in question here for this application and it has a key/value pair of ‘url’: ‘’. I tested and verified what was being applied where by extracting the file name as needed using a JSON Query:

url.$substringBefore($split($decodeUrl(),“/”)[-1], “.”)


Great use of data transformation right in the Query JSON column.

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