Adding Time Tracker

Im trying to add a time tracker for employees into my app, I have the Table setup and pulling from the Users name of whose logged in. Also have the Row ID setup, what is happening is when i click clock in it will put the time in the column for start but when i click time out I have it setup as Add column value and it is only changing the top value in the clock out table.
Any thoughts?
I have this exact theory working on another table and I have done the exact same thing so something must be off.

What is this? Do you mean Set Column?
Can you show how your button actions are configured?

Yes sorry Set Column value,
Here are the Clock out button action:

Clock in button action:

Ok, so Clock In adds a new row regardless of which row the screen is attached to via the Add Row action.

Clock Out edits the existing row that the screen is attached to via the Set Column action.

The problem is that your screen is not filtered in any way and is most likely defaulting to the first row in the table. There are a few different approaches, but you could try applying a filter to the screen to only link to a row that matches the current user and where the clock out time is empty.

That should hopefully filter the screen to the correct row before you clock out. Try that and let me know how that works. I’m not 100% sure off the top of my head if that will be a problem for clock in if the screen is initially detached from any row. Also not completely sure if the screen will automatically attach to the correct row once clocked in. I’m hopeful though.

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Thanks for the advice! I tried that and seems that the top line is continuously being updated with whatever I put in the action screen for the Clock out button

I filtered out the layout screen like you mentioned and still updates the top line

Just tested quick and it worked for me. If it’s not, there must be something that is not set up correctly. Can you show how your screen is filtered, and can you show how your clock out button action is configured?

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I managed to add a secondary page that i went to as a check out confirmation and was able to achieve the Clock out time that way. Thanks for the help!

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