I’m building an app that allows customers to place orders for items.
Where I currently stand:
By leveraging a few existing templates I’ve hacked together the ordering process in entirety for a SINGLE product. (It works)
I am however stumped on how to get users to add MULTIPLE products to a SINGLE order, while still providing total values and updating the stock levels.
My current tables are as follows:
Additional details:
A user can: add multiple products to an order
A user can: add multiple quantities of each product to an order
A user can: place an order, see their basket and total price (standard checkout)
Admin/Shop owner:
A user can: see submitted orders and all the relevant details
Do I need to create a cart table? I would love some insights here please on how to get this working or if there are some existing examples.
The flow would look like this, assuming your users are signed in:
Add a Cart table that would contain the order id, the item id and the quantity.
In your users table, add a “current order ID” column.
Assuming you have an Items screen, on the entry to the details view of that screen, check if your “current order ID” is empty. If empty, set a unique ID to the “current order ID” column, then show them the details screen. Else just show them the details screen without doing anything.
Add a form inside each item’s details screen, allow users to set a quantity and write to the Cart table: the “current order ID”, the “item ID” and the quantity.
Add a Cart screen that uses a relation of “current order ID” to show items that have been added to the cart. You can leverage that relation to calculate the total cost of the order.
Add a submit order button that writes a row to the Orders table that contains the “current order ID”, and set a new unique ID to the Users table preparing for the next iteration.
Thanks @ThinhDinh, it took me a while to figure out because I overcomplicated my DB but your explanation makes complete sense and worked out in the end (I had to create a new file to run through your process without my overly complex DB)