Inserting multiple data into one column

Are you sure it got fixed? I’m skeptical about that.
The Make Array column as you have it will take the entire contents of your Timestamps column and treat that as a single array element. And then add the current timestamp as a second element. So no matter how large your list of Timestamps is, you will always get a two element array.

What you need to do to fix that is first use a Split Text column to coerce your Joined List of Timestamps into an array, and then use that with the Make Array column.

A word of caution: this solution is likely to break for some of your users, depending on their device/browser regional settings. This is because the way a timestamp is formatted will not be the same for all users. To make it more robust you would need to first coerce the timestamps into either a string or integer, save them in that format, and then coerce them back to timestamps when you need to use them.

You can use the “Miracle Method” to do that.

Oh, one more comment. I notice that you have a User Specific Column for your Timestamps. Is it really your intention that no user will be able see to any other users data?

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