BUG: result as 'date-time' is not returned

Hello @Maxim_KM
You may not have the correct version of the driver.js
Take a test with this one:

function convert(x) {
  if (x instanceof Date) {
    return x.toISOString();
  } else if (Array.isArray(x)) {
    return x.map(convert);
  } else {
    return x;

window.addEventListener("message", async function(event) {
  const { origin, data: { key, params } } = event;
  let result;
  let error;
  try {
    result = await window.function(...params);
  } catch (e) {
    result = undefined;
    try {
      error = e.toString();
    } catch (e) {
      error = "Exception can't be stringified.";

  const response = { key };
  if (result !== undefined) {
    result = convert(result);
    response.result = { type: "string", value: result };
  if (error !== undefined) {
    response.error = error;

  event.source.postMessage(response, "*");

If you make a new Date with this version of the driver, you will have the date in GMT.

you have to return the date in string format, so yes @gvalero with toLocaleDateString () should also work.
(note that toLocaleFormat is deprecated
Deprecated and obsolete features - JavaScript | MDN)

But if you want to manipulate dates, I encourage you to take this ‘date-Test’ script as a starting point, you don’t have to worry about regional settings or the time difference for the return date-times. .

if you have any questions, i’m getting to know the subject a bit!