Enlarge image not working (again)

My App/Pages Support link:

Describe the bug:
Image enlarges to all black

Expected Behaviour:
To show a larger image

How to replicate:
Describe in detail how to recreate the issue

I have an .MOV screen recording… can’t upload

What’s the image link?

Google Drive → POCC(folder) → Profile Pic(folder) → (image file)

IT’s kind of normal for images in a Google Drive to mis-behave.
Ideally, you should upload your images to Glide itself.

Google Drive images are not supported.

@david @JackVaughan

You need to update the documentation as it is said that you could use google drive for images


External hosting

It’s possible to use an external service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Imgur to host your images. However, we do not recommend hosting your images outside of Glide. While it’s possible to make it work, services like Google Drive are not designed to share images in this way, and they do not scale well.

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The documentation says it’s possible but we do not recommend it.

What more do you think we should say?

To me: not supported = not possible

It’s possible to have 100,000 rows in your spreadsheet. Up to 25,000 are supported.

Many things are possible but not supported!


External Hosting

Unofficial support - Dropbox, Google Drive, Imgur. We do not recommend hosting your images outside of Glide. While it’s possible to make it work, services like Google Drive are not designed to share images in this way, and they do not scale well.


@david @jason Can we also have the enlarge image and upload image actions available for Titles and Inline list components?

Not sure why it’s only available for Image component…

Thanks all, I have about 100 images that I need to move over to Glide from Google Drive. Any importer or easy way to make this task work?

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